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Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC June 2011 Newsletter
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A User's Guide to Oral Care Products
One easy way to improve your mouth health and preserve your teeth longer is to use the right equipment regularly.

We recommend that you add flossing to your dental care routine. If your teeth are tightly spaced, shop around for a floss that will slip more easily between your teeth. If you find it difficult to handle floss, try a floss holder.

Soft-bristled toothbrushes can reach more surfaces but be sure to get one that is comfortable to hold and works well in your mouth. Don't struggle with one that has bent or frayed bristles that can't be directed accurately. The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every three to four months.

For people with limited motor skills or arthritis, a powered toothbrush might be helpful.

If your toothbrush has a rubber tip, use it to massage your gums after brushing. Additional tools include tiny brushes that get in between the teeth, called interproximal toothbrushes, and small interdental picks. Be careful to avoid injuring the gums when using these devices.

Oral irrigators can help remove particles of food around the teeth, especially if you wear braces or fixed partial dentures. But they are not a substitute for brushing and flossing.

Mouthrinses with fluoride can help prevent tooth decay. Using an antiplaque or antigingivitis mouthrinse may be recommended if you have plaque or gum disease.

Check with us if you are not clear on the proper use of any of these products.
Smokers Take Note
Dissolvable tobacco is appearing in test markets.

Smokers may think oral ingestion is safer than smoking. But we'd like to share some concerns cited in a recent study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

This product dissolves near the lips, teeth and gums and the link between nicotine and oral health problems is well established. It also contains sweeteners, causing tooth decay. Another ingredient, coumarin, is linked to liver damage.

Finally, the packaging is appealing to children and could be mistaken for candy.

What Is Mastoiditis?
A few of the symptoms of mastoiditis--swelling, pain and bone infection--are similar to symptoms of tooth abscess. But mastoiditis is triggered by an infection in the middle ear when the mastoid bone becomes infected.

Mastoiditis is most common in children. Be on the look out for symptoms such as:

• swelling behind the ear
• headache
• pain in the ear
• fluid draining from the ear
• loss of hearing
• sudden high fever

If you are unsure what type of infection you have, contact either your primary care physician or us immediately.
Dr. Layer and his highly trained team would love to hear from you and answer your questions. Simply click the submit a question link below this message. Referrals are appreciated.

Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC | www.layerdental.com | 541-734-0970
1485 East McAndrews Road, Medford, OR 97504



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