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Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC June 2016 Newsletter
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Action Plan for Summer Activities
Summer's here and with it a delightful trove of outdoor activities from plunging into a cool lake to playing softball at the local park to riding horses, rafting, hiking, and ATVs.

But what about the beating your body takes when you're having so much fun? Often, it's the face that gets it when there's an accident. So, what do you do?

Well, of course we encourage you to use a mouth guard during recreational activities to avoid these injuries altogether. But here are a few guidelines for dealing with facial injuries should they occur:

Broken jaw: control the swelling by using a cold compress and either contact us or the hospital emergency room.

Knocked out tooth: gently rinse the root in water being careful to keep all tissue fragments intact and then reinsert it into its socket. If you can't re-insert it, put it in a cup of milk. Regardless, you should contact us immediately.

Broken tooth: rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. Contact us immediately.

Bitten lip or tongue: clean the area thoroughly and apply a cold compress if there is swelling. Go to the hospital emergency room if you can't stop the bleeding.

Objects caught between your teeth: using dental floss rather than a sharp instrument, gently try to remove the object. You can even tie a knot in the floss and gently drag the knot side-to-side to help dislodge it. If you can't get it out, contact us and we can help.

If you have an emergency, please do not hesitate to call us. We are more than willing to make time in our schedule to see you or to provide advice on how to proceed.

Three Ways You Are Harming your Smile - And Don't Know It
We all want to keep our teeth healthy and beautiful. You likely know how important it is to brush and floss your teeth regularly, but you also need to be aware of some ways that you could be harming your teeth:

Cough drops. If you take cough drops in order to deal with the symptoms of your cold, you could be putting your teeth at risk of developing cavities. Consider sugar-free.
Snacking. By snacking all day, your teeth will be exposed to bacteria and acid pretty consistently, which could increase your risk of developing decay.
Dehydration. Rehydrating is important in order to keep your mouth moist, which helps to rinse away bacteria and harmful acids in the mouth.

Do you have additional questions about how you can keep your mouth healthy? Talk to our office today.

Four Signs You Need to See a Dentist This Summer
Don't let dental problems ruin your summer. If you experience any of these problems during the warmer months, you should be sure to make an appointment with us:

Tooth pain. Even if your tooth pain subsides within a couple of days, you should be sure to visit us as soon as possible, as decay or an infection may be present.
White spots. If you notice white spots on your teeth, this could be the sign of tooth decay, which needs to be treated.
Sensitivity. If your teeth are extremely sensitive when eating a popsicle or drinking a cup of coffee, you should discuss your concerns with us.
Sores that won't go away. If you experience a canker sore, it should go away on its own in a week or so. If it doesn't, set up an appointment with our office as soon as possible.

Call our office today if you experience these or any other problems that have you concerned.

Dr. Jake and his Team would love to hear from you! Got a question? We can help!

Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC | www.layerdental.com | 541-734-0970
1485 East McAndrews Rd., Medford, OR 97504



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