Oral Health and Longevity |
We often focus our attention on the health of our children. But what about elderly family members who can't schedule appointments or drive to the dental office for treatment?
People are not only living longer but keeping their natural teeth longer. This has caused the dental profession to respond to the specific needs of the aging poplulation. The American Dental Association (ADA) helped launch the Oral Longevity program, a three-year campaign to help older Americans improve their oral health.
According to the ADA, in addition to treating cavities and gum disease, geriatric dentistry addresses oral mucosal diseases, head and neck pain, salivary dysfunction and impaired chewing, tasting and swallowing.
Older people sometimes do not realize the simple connection between dry mouth and medications they may be taking. They may not realize they can still get cavities. Denture wearers may think they no longer need dental checkups. Addressing these and other more complex issues can often enhance quality of life in the golden years.
Older adults are more vulnerable and susceptible to disease and infection. Understanding the link between oral health and overall health is key to helping your older family members maintain a high quality of life and reduce medical incidents.
Toothy Tid Bits: Happy New Year!
Wow, 2012! With a new year comes New Year resolutions: everyone's favorite time to examine themselves to make a positive change. I say we should resolve to take better care of our teeth! Most people resolve to lose weight, eat healthy, and basically take care of their bodies so they can be around for the long haul. What if I told you that taking care of your teeth is an integral part of your overall health? If you're trying to lose weight to reduce your blood pressure, having an unhealthy mouth will only counteract those efforts. All of that inflammation in your mouth is also affecting your arteries and heart. I know flossing is such a pain, but resolutions are never effortless or we wouldn't be making them in the first place, right?
So here's to the New Year! May our smiles be happy and healthy when all of our goals come to fruition!
-Jocelyn Codington, RDH
Did You Know? |
You may be grinding or clenching your teeth and not even know it. Tooth grinding, or bruxism, is very common but it can lead to serious dental damage. Stress, diet, and misaligned teeth can make bruxism worse.
Tooth sensitivity, headaches, earaches, a sore jaw or even ringing in your ears can be clues. At your regular checkups we can often tell if you are grinding your teeth. There is even a device to help determine if bruxism is currently active or dormant.
If you know that you are bruxing, use a nightguard. A nightguard is a plastic device that fits between your teeth when you bite. You wear out the plastic instead of wearing your teeth away.
Now you know! |