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Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC October 2018 Newsletter
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Dental Concerns When On the Paleo Diet
Going on the Paleo diet can be great for your health. However, it can do a number on your teeth if you are not careful about what you pick to eat. Many people are turning to the Paleo diet for simplicity in their dietary choices. This is a great way of making mealtime easier to figure out. However, if you do not carefully monitor what you eat, you can wind up with oral health problems as a result of your dietary change.

What the Paleo Diet Can Do to Your Teeth

The Paleo includes eating a wide array of meats and produce. You will find yourself eating tons of protein, along with lots of fruits and vegetables. If you are not used to eating a ton of vegetables, and you used to eat dairy, you will likely have a dip in your calcium intake. This can result in weaker bones and teeth. You need to make sure that you eat vegetables that are incredibly high in calcium, such as spinach or kale. This way, you keep up with how much calcium your body needs and don't risk your health by switching the foods you eat.

If your doctor and you believe that your body could benefit from a switch to the Paleo diet, then enjoy the change. Just make sure that you keep up with your body's needs during that time. If you consume too little calcium, you could wind up facing problems with your teeth that could result in increased tooth decay or even tooth loss.

Halloween Candy Buy Back
It's that time of year again! Little goblins and ghouls will be knocking on your door hoping that you will fill their bags with some yummy treats. On November 1st, send those goblins and ghouls to our office and we will buy back that candy for $1 per pound (age 15 & under) and send it to Soldier's Angels to distribute it to our troops. It's a win-win! And by the way, older 'kids' can donate their leftover candy too. You'll be helping your kids take better care of their teeth and helping our soldiers get a little bit of Halloween joy while they work so hard to protect us.
If you'd like more info on this year's candy buy back, please visit: http://www.halloweencandybuyback.com/.

Considerations When Caring for Teeth of Older Adults
When caring for teeth at any age, you need to make sure to take care of them properly. Brushing becomes more difficult as we age, which can result in tooth loss or increased tooth decay. Getting a toothbrush with a bigger handle can make this easier as can using an electric toothbrush. Flossing can also be more difficult. To get around this, you may want to consider using handheld flossers as they can get into tight spaces more easily, especially if arthritis is affecting your fingers.

Dr. Jake and his Team would love to hear from you! Got a question? We can help!

Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC | www.layerdental.com | 541-734-0970
1485 East McAndrews Rd., Medford, OR 97504



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