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Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC July 2012 Newsletter
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What's a Periodontal Abscess?
Okay, you probably know of the dental abscess (an acute infection originating inside the tooth). In this issue, we're discussing the periodontal abscess. This type of infection occurs around the outside of the tooth. Preventing a periodontal abscess is another important reason to establish and follow a regular dental hygiene routine.

For those who suffer from periodontal disease, the space between the teeth and the gums enlarges, especially if the gums become infected. That space is known as a pocket. When the pocket deepens to the point where small food particles can lodge in it, the risk of bacterial infection increases. Once bacterial colonization is established, a very rapid destruction of the supporting connective tissue and bone can ensue.

A periodontal abscess can be very painful and, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss and even cause serious systemic health complications.

We want to help you avoid this nasty problem altogether by encouraging you to follow a routine that helps prevent periodontal disease in the first place. This includes hygiene practices and lifestyle choices:

• Brush and floss after each meal
• Use antiseptic mouthwash if directed
• Avoid sugar (or brush after eating it)
• Drink plenty of water to rinse the mouth
• Stop smoking
• Eat foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants

Periodontal abscesses are more common in people over 40 but can also afflict children. By maintaining regular checkups and cleanings, we can help you prevent these periodontal problems.
The Great Anniversary Festival
Surprise! I'm not writing about teeth this month. Crazy, I know. Since this month contains the anniversary of the independence of this great nation, I decided to write some fun facts about this time in history.

On July 2, 1776, Congress voted in favor of Lee's revolution for independence. John Adams wrote his wife a letter that day stating that July 2nd would be celebrated, generation after generation, as the great anniversary festival. Two days later, the Declaration of Independence, written mainly by Thomas Jefferson, was formally adopted. Much to John Adam's frustration, July 4th thus became the day for "the Great Anniversary Festival".

Philadelphia held the first annual independence celebration on July 4th, 1777. Festivities included concerts, bonfires, parades, firing of guns, and public readings of the Declaration of Independence. On July 4th, 1778, while the government was still occupied in the war, George Washington issued double rations of rum to his soldiers to celebrate the second annual day of independence.

So on July 4th, 2012, I hope you were able to celebrate this special time in our history for which our ancestors left the only home they knew to cross the unforgiving oceans, and start a whole new life in the fabled Land of the Free.

-Jocelyn Codington, RDH

Women's Corner: Hormones and Oral Health
A recent review of women's health studies indicates a link between hormones and gum disease. Professor Charlene Krejci of Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine found that the fluctuation of female hormones throughout their lives can change conditions in the mouth enough to allow bacteria to grow.

Higher bacteria levels can lead to periodontal issues and risks of bone loss, fetal complications and pre-term births. "There's definitely a gender-specific connection between women's hormones, gum disease, and specific health issues impacting women," Krejci said.
Dr. Layer and his highly trained team would love to hear from you and answer your questions. Simply click the "submit question" link below this message. Referrals are appreciated.

Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC | www.layerdental.com | 541-734-0970
1485 East McAndrews Rd., Medford, OR 97504



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