Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC - eNewsletter
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Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC January 2019 Newsletter
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What Your Teeth Get from You Eating Protein
When you eat protein, it helps your body in many different ways. It can help you build up muscle and helps rebuild many different tissues within your body. Your teeth also benefit from you eating protein. The phosphorus found in protein-rich foods works together with calcium and can help your teeth get stronger. Here are a few things you can do to increase your protein intake.

How to Get Enough Protein

One way to get enough protein and phosphorus is through meats, such as beef, pork, and poultry. These foods are extremely versatile and can be incorporated into a wide variety of meals. Seafood is another great protein option that is a good source of phosphorus, so you can also try adding some tuna, salmon, or sardines to your diet.

If you do not eat meat or seafood, cheese and eggs are other options, and they can be delicious additions to food. There also are protein options that are entirely plant-based, such as nuts, legumes, and seeds. Not sure where to begin? Try using black beans, lentils, tofu, pumpkin seeds, almonds as the protein for one of your dishes this week!

By eating protein, you are getting the phosphorous your body needs to help build stronger teeth. Food not only fuels our bodies, but it also provides the nutrients for stronger, healthier teeth!

Exciting Changes Are Coming!!!
Welcome Carly!

Starting in the middle of this month you will be seeing a new face greeting you as you walk into our office! Cassie has always wanted to assist and help where needed rather than solely do front office work. So, as she transitions to the back we have hired Carly to help fill her shoes up front. We (and I'm sure you as well) are totally going to miss having Cassie at the front desk, but we love her so much and really want to support the career path that she desires. Plus, we know that she is going to rock it!
You'll still see Cassie up front from time to time, but Carly will be our new front office gal. We think she is going to be a great fit and hope that you all will feel the same way, too!
Foster Socks Program Wrap Up
Thank you to everyone who helped make out Foster Socks program a success! We were able to provide socks and a hygiene kit for EVER SINGLE CHILD in foster care in our county because of YOUR help! Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts, for your generosity in filling this need for the all too often forgotten children in our community.

God Bless you all!

- Dr. Jake, Jocelyn, Shannon, and Cassie

Things You Can Do Today to Help Your Smile Stay Bright
Whether you have never tried teeth whitening or you just had your teeth whitened, there are many ways to help prevent staining and keep your smile looking bright. Keeping up with brushing and flossing not only helps maintain your dental health, but it can also help prevent staining. Certain foods and drinks also tend to cause teeth stains, such as coffee, tea, candy, and berries, so reducing the amount of time your teeth have contact with them can help reduce teeth stains.

These simple changes can help keep your smile brighter, but there are many reasons that teeth become stained or discolored. If you have further questions, contact our office today, and we will be happy to help!

Dr. Jake and his Team would love to hear from you! Got a question? We can help!

Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC | www.layerdental.com | 541-734-0970
1485 East McAndrews Rd., Medford, OR 97504



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