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Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC October 2012 Newsletter
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Shanghai Tunnels
Listening to the rain tip-tap on my roof tells me the long warm days of summer have indeed deserted us. Times go by and seasons change and I can't help but think of the past and how much history has long been forgotten. I spent the weekend in Portland and while there decided to tour the Shanghai Tunnels. Ever heard of them? Most people haven't. It's a secret from long past that people want left out of history books. I'm a huge lover of history – good and bad – so in an effort to preserve it I'm going to share with you the secret of the infamous Shanghai Tunnels.
The tunnels were basements of buildings, some going 3-5 levels underground, that connected to other buildings through brick and stone archways under the streets, linking block to block all the way to the river. They created a unique network of passages and thoroughfares that were used by unscrupulous individuals called "shanghaiiers" in addition to "white slavers" who grabbed women and sold them into prostitution.
What is Shanghaiing? It was an illegal maritime practice where able-bodied men (sailors, loggers, cowboys, sheepherders, ranch hands, construction workers, and vagabonds) were grabbed or kidnapped and sold to sea captains who forced them to work aboard their ships for no pay. Portland was unique because trap doors were used to drop the unsuspecting victims into the "Portland Underground", where they were forcibly held in cells until the ship was ready to set sail. From 1850 to 1941, Portland was known as the "Unheavenly City" or the "Forbidden City", due to this shocking practice. Sea captains paid $50 a head (that would be like $5,000 a head today) for these men who were drugged with very high doses of opium and their shoes were taken so they would have a hard time escaping.
Crazy, right?! If you're intrigued I highly recommend checking out the Shanghai Tunnels next time you find yourself in Portland; and don't worry, they don't do much Shanghaiing these days……. ;)

- Jocelyn RDH
5 Reasons to Use Your Dental Insurance Before Year's End
Tammy Davenport (About.com contributor) writes how you can save money by using your dental insurance benefits before the end of the year.

We have prepared the following summary. For the complete article click the link at the bottom.

1. Yearly Maximum: Most insurances have a year maximum of around $1,000. Unused benefits do not roll over at the end of the year.

2. Deductible: Deductibles vary but usually are around $50 per year. This decutible may reset at the beginning of the year.

3. Premiums: If you are paying monthly premiums you should be using your dental benefits. Regular cleanings can help prevent more serious treatments later.

4. Fee Increases: Health care costs and insurance continue to rise. Most fee adjustments are made at the beginning of the year including increases in copays and deductibles.

5. Dental Problems Can Worsen: By delaying treatment you risk more extensive treatment later. A simple cavity now could be a root canal later.
Full Article: 5 Reasons to Use Your Dental Insurance Before the End of the Year

You can now pay your bill with your American Express card at our office! We still honor payments with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, check, and cash.

*We will soon be accepting online payments too! More information soon.
Dr. Layer and his highly trained team would love to hear from you and answer your questions. Simply click the "submit question" link below this message. Referrals are appreciated.

Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC | www.layerdental.com | 541-734-0970
1485 East McAndrews Rd., Medford, OR 97504



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