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Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC September 2019 Newsletter
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Do You Need to Worry About Gingivitis in Kids?
Age does not matter when it comes to gum disease; it can affect anyone at any age. If your child has gums that bleed easily or gums that have started to recede, then you need to contact us as soon as possible, and we can evaluate if they are dealing with childhood gingivitis.

Dangers of Chronic Gingivitis in Children

If children do not come in and see us regularly, they can develop the same problems with gum disease as adults. This can leave them with sores in their mouths and even pain between brushing. Their gums can be puffy and painful, and they may even start to struggle with sensitive teeth. This often comes as a result of receding gums, which may be hard to notice if they are not coming in for regular checkups and exams.

Causes of Gum Disease in Kids

Gum disease in children can be caused by many sources. Most kids are still developing good oral hygiene practices, which leaves their mouths more susceptible to dental health issues. Plus, hormonal changes can also lead to changes in dental health.

Call on the experienced professionals here in our office if you are worried that your child may have signs of gingivitis. We want to help see your child with the best oral health possible, just like you do.

Annual MPD Drug Take Back
You may already have seen the City of Medford Newsletter inserted in your Medford Utility Bill. If so then you saw the notice for MPD's Annual Prescription Drug Take Back event. Here is the article:

"Medford Police Department hosts this event twice per year to provide our community with a safe, convenient, and responsible means to dispose of unwanted, unused, our outdated prescription medications for free. The event also serves as an educational tool to assist the general public in understanding the potential for abuse of these medications."

when: 10/26/19 , 9am - 12pm
where: City Hall Parking Lot, 411 W 8th St, Medford, OR
What to Do When an Item Gets Stuck Between Your Teeth
Have you ever been there, trying to eat and all of a sudden, you feel pressure between your teeth? The first thing you should do to get that item out is to rinse your mouth. Sometimes that is all you need. From there, try flossing between those teeth. It should be enough to loosen whatever is stuck. If rinsing and flossing are not enough to budge that item, then give our office a call. We can use our professional tools to get it out before it causes you any additional discomfort. We are here to help, no matter how big or how small your dental issue may be.

Ways of Easing Dental Anxiety Before We See You
More people than you may realize struggle with dental anxiety. We see it on a regular basis. If you get anxious before coming in for a visit, don't fret. We can give you some tips! First, find out what type of procedure you need and ask us for help and understanding. Information is huge when it comes to combatting anxiety. Second, tell us if you get nervous. We have seen it before and have ideas on how to help. Finally, bring along some music and headphones while having your procedure. This can keep your mind off of what we are doing so you can just relax.

Dr. Jake and his Team would love to hear from you! Got a question? We can help!

Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC | www.layerdental.com | 541-734-0970
1485 East McAndrews Rd., Medford, OR 97504



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