Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC - eNewsletter
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Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC October 2019 Newsletter
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Halloween Candy Buy Back
Happy Halloween!! Little goblins and ghouls will be knocking on your door hoping that you will fill their bags with some yummy treats. On November 4th - 7th (8a-5p) send those goblins and ghouls to our office and we will buy back that candy for $1 per pound and send it to Soldier's Angels to distribute it to our troops. It's a win-win! You'll be helping your kids take better care of their teeth and helping our soldiers get a little bit of Halloween joy while they work so hard to protect us.
If you'd like more info on this year's candy buy back, please visit: http://www.halloweencandybuyback.com/.

Ways of Avoiding Dental Stains
There are several things you can do to avoid dental stains. If you want to keep your pearly whites as long as possible, you need to make sure you watch what you eat and what you drink. If you regularly consume coffee and tea, your teeth will develop stains. The same goes if you use tobacco. It is a matter of time before your teeth change color. Thankfully, you have options. Coming in for regular cleanings helps to avoid stains, as does drinking through a straw. If you need a lighter look for your teeth, we can also help with whitening. Call our office today!

Are There Different Types of Tooth Sensitivity?
Many people understand that if they eat something cold, it can sometimes shock their mouth. This is because their teeth are sensitive to the cold. However, did you know there are other types of sensitivity you may experience as well? It's true. Your mouth, specifically your teeth, can be sensitive to temperatures and flavors. You may notice pain from cold as well as hot foods, where you feel those shocks through your teeth and into your gums and jaw. Plus, you may also notice this type of pain from sweets and sour foods as well. If you have sensitivity issues, make sure to come in and get it treated!

Dr. Jake and his Team would love to hear from you! Got a question? We can help!

Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC | www.layerdental.com | 541-734-0970
1485 East McAndrews Rd., Medford, OR 97504



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