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Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC February 2020 Newsletter
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Minor Dental Cracks Are Often More Dangerous Than They Appear
Many people have tiny hairline cracks in their teeth. They know they are there, but do not worry much about them. If the crack is inside the tooth but not all the way through the enamel, then watching the crack to see if it gets larger may be the best option. However, when the crack completely comes through the enamel, then it needs treatment. If you don't get it treated, it could lead to the loss of your tooth or worse.

How Can a Minor Dental Crack Cause Such Chaos?

Think of a minor dental crack like a tiny divot in the road. Most of the time, that divot is only going to sit there and look unsightly. However, eventually, trucks and cars are going to drive over it and knock some of the cement or blacktop out, causing it to get larger. The same goes with your tooth. Each time you bite down on the cracked tooth, it opens and gets larger, even microscopically. Not only does the crack grow a little at a time, but it also opens enough to allow bacteria in each time. This means the tooth is going to be able to start decaying from within that crack over time.

The only way to ensure that a dental crack does not completely ruin a tooth is to make sure we treat it as soon as it poses a problem. For a minor cracks watching is often the best options. But if it's more than minor, it may need treatment. We have options! If you have a cracked tooth, or even suspect that a tooth may have a crack in it, contact us and let us take a look we will help you decide what to do.

Easter Baskets for the Dunn House!
In Fall of 2018 we decided that we wanted to start actively giving back to our community. We chose the Jackson County Foster Kids Association and were very successful in our Foster Socks Program. We were able to supply socks, toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss for all the 500 children in foster care!
This year, instead of doing a winter charity drive we decided to do a spring one since so many organizations get abundant donations during the holidays, but not so much throughout the year. We selected the Dunn House and we will be putting together “Easter Baskets” for them.
The Dunn House is a shelter for adult survivors (and their children) of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, and sex trafficking. The house has a staff person present 24 hours a day all year long and they provide for the basic needs of the survivors staying there.

To aid us in our goal of helping to supply the Dunn House for the needs of their residents, we are asking for generous donations from our patients. Some examples of items we are looking for include:
Adult Pajamas
New Hairbrushes
Toilet Paper
Fragrance-Free Laundry Detergent
New Pillows
Kitchen Items
New Socks and Underwear
Baby Wipes
Clorox/Disinfecting Wipes
Empty Luggage
Pull-Ups for Toddlers (4T, 5T, 6T)
Diapers in Size 4, 5, & 6

Thanks in advance for your help! This is a fantastic cause and we are truly blessed to have a facility like this in our valley. (If you or anyone you know is a victim of sexual or domestic violence, please call their helpline: 541-779-4357 (HELP). Calls are ALWAYS anonymous and confidential)

What Do We Look for During an Exam?
When we do a dental exam, we are doing more than simply looking at your teeth. While looking at your teeth is important, we also want to look at the rest of your mouth. We will look for signs of decay of the teeth and ill health of the gums. If the gums have pulled away from the teeth, we want to figure out why so it can be fixed. We also want to look at all of the surfaces of the inside of your mouth. It is important to find signs of oral cancer as early as possible. If we find it early, the chances of curing it are very good in most instances. To find out more, contact us for your next exam!

Dr. Jake and his Team would love to hear from you! Got a question? We can help!

Jacob O. Layer DMD, PC | www.layerdental.com | 541-734-0970
1485 East McAndrews Rd., Medford, OR 97504



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